Pivot Macro for Dataform

Hello everyone,

I am currently evaluating Dataform and wondering if it is possible to dynamically pivot data using a function similar to this dbt macro:



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Hi @Henning1

Welcome and thank you for reaching out to out community.

You can explore writing a query using the native SQL PIVOT operator or add a custom SQL operation in Dataform workflow.

FROM from_item[, ...] pivot_operator

    aggregate_function_call [as_alias][, ...]
    FOR input_column
    IN ( pivot_column [as_alias][, ...] )
  ) [AS alias]

  [AS] alias

Dataform can execute custom SQL operations that don't fit into the Dataform model of publishing a table or writing an assertion. You can define custom SQL commands for Dataform to execute in BigQuery.

Adding a couple more resource that can be useful for your usecase.

Hope this helps.

Hi @lsolatorio ,

Thanks a lot for your reply but the standard pivot operator doesn't let me dynamically create the pivot_columns.
I am looking for a macro that replicates this functionality:


SELECT * FROM ${ ref('table')}
PIVOT (aggregate_function_call FOR input_column IN %s);
""", (SELECT CONCAT("(", STRING_AGG(DISTINCT CONCAT("'", input_column, "'"), ','), ")") FROM ${ ref('table')}))


which seems to work in Dataform in preview but fails during execution (I assume because EXECUTE IMMEDIATE can't be executed inside CTE's)

Looking to implement this, too. Any news, let me know.

I'd like to examine this question ... but sadly my SQL foo is poor.  Without reference to Dataform, can you supply  a trivial input table description and the SQL statement you would like executed with the parameters that you would like in a potential Dataform macro and, ideally, what the resulting table would look like?

It's standard pivot functionality just as you would use in a spreadsheet. This is how dbt have implemented it.

It's changing a tall data table into a wide data table based upon a dimension column and an aggregation of metrics columns. The EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement above is pretty much the only way to do this dynamically, and dataform doesn't support those, unfortunately.

@kolban: You can find a trival example table in the towardsdatascience article at the beginning of this thread. Or also here: https://github.com/dbt-labs/dbt-utils/blob/main/macros/sql/pivot.sql
My question is rather if it is possible and perhaps planned to develop a (JS) macro collection for Dataform that is similar to dbt-utils which also includes the pivot macro?
I found so far only this grouping function:

// Grouping
function groupBy(n) {
  var indices = [];
  for (var i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
  return `GROUP BY ${indices.join(", ")}`;


I've not come up with a macro for it, but a workaround is using an operation within a .sqlx file. I've written an article about how this could be achieved. Feedback welcome!