Implement Bigquey query in Datafusion as no code solution approach

I have bigquery query i need to implement the query using plugins in the datafusion without any query or code.

Just using available plugins.

I have complex SQL query that involves multiple CTEs and joins to transform and analyze data.

can i implement this 

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You can implement a complex BigQuery query in Cloud Data Fusion using available plugins, but it's important to understand the limitations and complexities involved. Here's a more nuanced approach:

  1. Leveraging Source and Sink Plugins:

    • BigQuery Source Plugin: Use this to read data from your source BigQuery tables. This is straightforward for initial data extraction.
    • BigQuery Sink Plugin: After processing, use this plugin to write the transformed data back to BigQuery.
  2. Transformations within Data Fusion:

    • Data Fusion offers transformation plugins, but they are more suited for basic to intermediate data transformations. If your query involves simple filtering, aggregations, or basic joins, these plugins might suffice.
    • For more complex transformations that go beyond the capabilities of these plugins, you would typically need to resort to custom code, which contradicts the goal of avoiding coding.
  3. Handling Complex Logic:

    • While Data Fusion doesn't have direct plugins for executing complex SQL queries with multiple CTEs and advanced joins, you can use the JavaScript or Python plugins for custom transformations. However, this involves scripting and may affect the maintainability and clarity of your ETL pipeline.
  4. Considerations for Advanced Use Cases:

    • Performance: Be aware that complex transformations in Data Fusion, especially when using scripting, might not be as efficient as processing directly in BigQuery.
    • Maintainability: A pipeline with a mix of plugins and custom scripts can become complex and harder to maintain compared to a well-structured SQL query in BigQuery.
    • Plugin Limitations: Not all BigQuery functionalities are directly replicable in Data Fusion through plugins. It's essential to review the capabilities and limitations of each plugin against your specific requirements.
  5. Alternative Approaches:

    • For highly complex SQL queries, consider executing them directly in BigQuery. Data Fusion excels in orchestrating data workflows and simpler transformations but may not be the best tool for replicating complex SQL logic.

While you can use Data Fusion to handle parts of a complex BigQuery query, the process might involve a combination of basic plugins and custom scripting. This approach requires careful planning and consideration of the trade-offs in performance and maintainability. For some use cases, directly using BigQuery for complex queries might be more efficient.