Ensuring Sequential Delivery with Multiple Ordering Keys in Pub/Sub

I'm working on a Pub/Sub system where I need to ensure that messages are received in the exact sequence they are published, even when using multiple ordering keys. My system publishes a large number of messages, potentially spanning various topics and ordering keys, but it's crucial for the application logic that these messages are processed in the order they were sent.

I have implemented a Pub/Sub model using Google Cloud Pub/Sub, employing ordering keys to ensure that messages with the same key are processed in order. Here's a simplified version of my publishing logic:

Publisher publisher = Publisher.newBuilder(topicName).build();
String[] orderingKeys = {"OrderKey1", "OrderKey2", "OrderKey3"}; // Multiple ordering keys
for (String orderingKey : orderingKeys) {
    for (int i = 1; i <= 500; i++) { // Publish 500 messages for each ordering key
        String messageStr = "Message " + i + " for " + orderingKey;
        ByteString data = ByteString.copyFromUtf8(messageStr);
        PubsubMessage pubsubMessage = PubsubMessage.newBuilder()
        ApiFuture<String> future = publisher.publish(pubsubMessage);
        System.out.println("Published message ID: " + future.get());

And my subscriber simply acknowledges the messages as they come in, printing out their content.

Despite the ordering keys ensuring that messages with the same key are ordered, I am facing an issue where messages from different ordering keys are not received in the sequence they were published. For example, I might receive messages in the following sequence:

Received message: Message 1 for OrderKey1

Received message: Message 2 for OrderKey1

Received message: Message 1 for OrderKey2

Received message: Message 3 for OrderKey1

Received message: Message 2 for OrderKey2

This is problematic for my use case as I need the messages to be processed exactly in the sequence they were published, regardless of the ordering key.

I am looking for a solution or design pattern that allows me to maintain the global ordering of messages across multiple ordering keys. Ideally, messages should be received and processed in the exact sequence they were published by the publisher, irrespective of the ordering key used.

Is there a way to achieve this in Google Cloud Pub/Sub, or should I consider an alternative approach or solution to meet this requirement?

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Pub/Sub prioritizes scalability and throughput. To achieve this, it offers guaranteed message ordering only within a single ordering key. This design decision has implications when your application requires strict ordering across multiple keys.

Potential Solutions

  • Single Ordering Key:

    • Ensures absolute global ordering.
    • Limited by a 1 MBps throughput constraint per key.
    • Ideal for low-to-moderate message volumes where strict ordering is non-negotiable.
  • Sequencing Layer:

    • Introduces a system (potentially Redis) to assign globally unique, incrementing sequence numbers to messages, regardless of their ordering key.
    • Messages are published to Pub/Sub with a unified ordering key and their sequence numbers.
    • Pros: Enforces global ordering.
    • Cons: Adds complexity, potential single point of failure (the sequencing layer), and may increase latency.
  • Hybrid Approach:

    • Employs a moderate number of ordering keys combined with a sequencing layer.
    • Seeks to balance load distribution and maintain some ordering control for larger sets of messages.
    • Pros: Enables some parallel processing for higher throughput without entirely sacrificing ordering.
    • Cons: Increased complexity and careful implementation to ensure global order.

Choosing the Right Approach

Consider the following factors:

  • Message Volume and Throughput: Are you likely to exceed per-ordering-key throughput limits?
  • Ordering Strictness: Is perfect ordering mandatory, or is near-real-time ordering with minimal reordering acceptable?
  • System Complexity Tolerance: Are you comfortable managing the additional elements required by some solutions?
  • Message Replay/Retry Logic: Custom sequencing or external state management necessitates robust error handling and replay management.


import redis  # For sequence number management
from google.cloud import pubsub_v1 

# Setup Redis and Pub/Sub clients
redis_client = redis.Redis()
publisher = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient()
topic_path = publisher.topic_path('your-project-id', 'your-topic-name')

def publish_with_sequence(message_data):
    global_sequence_id = redis_client.incr('global_message_sequence')
    pubsub_message = pubsub_v1.types.PubsubMessage(
        attributes={"sequence_id": str(global_sequence_id)},
        ordering_key='single_ordering_key'  # Unified ordering key 
    future = publisher.publish(topic_path, pubsub_message)
    return future.result() 

Important Considerations

  • Redis Configuration: Ensure high availability and durability.
  • Error Handling and Retry Logic: Implement for system resilience.
  • Performance Assessment: Test scalability thoroughly under your expected loads.
  • Message Size: Pub/Sub pricing is based on message size, be mindful of cost.
  • "Good Enough" Ordering: Explore less complex solutions if slight ordering discrepancies are tolerable