[BigQuery] (310) Storage API Error: Error: { code: UNKNOWN, message: Stream removed } in PowerBI

I am getting this error for big projects which have large number of rows in PowerBI

Failed to save modifications to the server. Error returned: 'OLE DB or ODBC error: [DataSource.Error] ERROR [HY000] [Microsoft][BigQuery] (310) Storage API Error: Error: { code: UNKNOWN, message: Stream removed }. '.

And I am not using ODBC driver but Google Big Query connector to connect to GCP Big Query. Though I have ODBC Simba driver installed in my VM. What is the issue here?

Microsoft team mentioned its a issue with RPC and google is aware about it.

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The error you have encountered is due to the large number of rows that might trigger the High throughput API or Storage API. As quoted in this document (page 68):

The High-Throughput API enables the connector to leverage the BigQuery Storage API, allowing higher data throughput than the standard REST API. With this API, the connector can handle large result sets more efficiently.

You can adjust or customize the thresholds for BigQuery Storage API. See the following configuration options to determine when the API is used:

  1. To allow or enable the High-Throughput API for Large Results queries, set the Key Name “AllowHtapiForLargeResults” to “1”. Otherwise, set the value to “1” to disable.
  2. In the Activation Threshold for High-Throughput API, change the default value of Key name “HTAPI_ActivationThreshold” to the minimum total pages (ratio of total rows to rows in the first page) required to activate reading through the High-Throughput API.

Make sure to check the requirements before using the High-Throughput API, such as the following:

  1.  A minimum requirement of devstorage.read_only scope for your authentication.
  2. BigQuery Storage API must be enabled in the BigQuery project you are querying.

This guide is also available in the Google public documentation

But I am using google BQ connector then why the error is coming from ODBC driver? I have it installed in my machine but not using it.