Time stamps are all localized to Pacific time

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

All absolute time stamps displayed in the community are Pacific time, despite the time zone setting for my account.

4 6 290

@Steve @Suvrutt_Gurjar,

We are currently working on a resolution to this issue.



Michelle | Community Manager

Thank you @Michelle 

Hi!  If the time indications had an actual time zone in them that would help with interpretation.  "Yesterday" is decidedly unhelpful.  Here's an what I just experienced:

Screen Shot 2022-10-22 at 21.36.52.png

It only says "Yesterday" but I can't see how many hours ago.  When I look at my mail I see this:

Screen Shot 2022-10-22 at 21.38.07.png

It has a time without a timezone in the mail message (not good) but the Gmail account indicates the local time in Japan when it came and the number of hours ago. 
Time indications are not usually crucial but this bothered me a little because I had checked the forum earlier today and wondered why I didn't see Adam's post then. 

P.S. It is 21:45 in Japan now so "Yesterday" is quite a long time ago.




Thank you for your feedback on adding the Timezone, I have made note of your suggestion and will take it to the internal team.

Hovering over 'Yesterday' will provide a date and time of the post.


Thank you,

Michelle | Community Manager



Thanks!  I didn't know about the hovering thing.  I'm using Chrome on a Mac and it's kind of hard to discover the hovering function because it's quite slow.  If I take my cursor there and leave it there for over a second or two, the time finally appears.  If the lag time could be reduced or eliminated, I think that would be nice.