Google Workspace cost optimization and user management



Hi Workspace Community!

We’ve noticed an increase in Google Workspace admins asking similar questions to help reduce their operational costs while making the most out of their Google Workspace accounts. So, we thought it was appropriate to share a quick, but complete guide in a three post series, which you can see below.

  • Users Basics FAQs: Answers common questions around user management in Google Workspace, including adding and deleting users from an account, bulk user uploads, restoring deleted user account data, and more. 
  • Gmail routing rules and auditing tools: Shows what you can do with routing rules, how to set up routing, and what’s needed when setting up a rule. 
  • Aliases, Groups, ‘Send mail as’ and Domains: Shares what an alias, Groups for Business, ‘Send mail as’ and Domains are and how to apply them for cost optimization and user management.  

Please like this post if it was helpful to you! 

Still have questions? Please ask in the comments below and someone from the Community or Workspace team will be happy to help.

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