OAuth Consent Screen Publishing Status

Hello all, I'm currently working on a set of apps script projects tied to their own GCP projects. Since I currently have the OAuth Consent Screen settings for these set to "testing", the scripts are getting deauthorized after 7 days. I have been considering switching them to "in production" but the tooltip regarding this states:

"Once you set your app status as "In production," your app will be available to anyone with a Google Account. Depending on how you configure your OAuth screen, you may have to submit your app for verification ."

What information, if any, gets shared publicly if my application is a google apps script that will only be shared with one individual? I want to avoid the 7 day time limit, but don't want the GCP or apps script to be visible to anyone with a google account unless the apps script s shared to them. I am currently testing this with one GCP project and my app is in the "verification not required" status, which I feel is the ideal here. Another question: would Google ever change this status or require the app be verified if it's only being used by one user?

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