slow app loading

I am having difficulties with several apps for clients as their number of tables and amount of data increases. One client has almost 200,000 rows of data with up to 30 columns on one of their tables. Have tried all the recommended tricks for speeding up apps including data partitioning and limiting VCs. Considering an SQL server, but will that make a significant difference in app loading speed?

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It sounds like your current data source is a spreadsheet. My observation is that Sheets itself gets bogged down before even 100K rows--even if the app is loading only a small subset via security filters. That might indeed be the source of your app's sluggishness. I'd say it's definitely worth trying a database. You could try AppSheet database; although it doesn't support the number of rows you have, you might be able to measure performance differences. Supabase is a pretty easy way to try with the number of rows you have.

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