calendar view midnight problems

Hi everyone,

I am having an issue with a Calendar View. It concerns the shifts of a service for people with disabilities. The problem is with the night shift that starts at 5 pm and ends at midnight. The calendar recognizes the night shift event as an all-day event.

I tried to build a virtual column that would subtract one second from the event and it actually returns an event that ends at 11:59:59 PM on the day the shift starts. But if I use that column, it doesn't return anything anymore.

How can I solve the problem? I tried to find all the possible solutions but I can't think of anything.

Thank you for your help.






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I solved my spell!
I used my virtual colum for end day and end time and now it works.

View solution in original post


I solved my spell!
I used my virtual colum for end day and end time and now it works.

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