Weebhook Return Value

Good afternoon,

I have this response from an API I'm using:

"status": "PENDIENTE",
"documentId": "663ba436f956fc001581b17a",
"xml": "https://apisunat.blob.core.windows.net/6633c98ceac8eb0015432b74/10108674844-03-B0A1-00000007-663ba43..."

POST: https://back.apisunat.com/personas/v1/sendBill

Name: Status Type: text


The problem is that it's not returning any value.

0 2 37

Please show how you have the interaction with the API implemented.

Be aware, that API calls in AppSheet are not presently request/response enabled.  This means you cannot call an API and then get back response to process into the app.  You can integrate with API's in 2 ways:

1)  Call an API from AppSheet to send data TO that 3rd party service.
2) Have a third party service call into the AppSheet API to receive data FROM the 3rd party into AppSheet.

NOTE: there is a difference between an API call ("Call a webhook") and a Script call("Call a script").  Script calls ca

Script calls CAN send return data back to to AppSheet.  You can have your app call a Google App Script that either:

  • returns values back to AppSheet
  • posts data through the AppSheet API
  • applies updates directly into the data sheet.

I hope this helps!

Thank you for the response. Currently, I have other APIs that are receiving response data. That's why I asked.


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