Setup a checklist form with possibly 200~300 items

I’m trying to setup a checklist form with possibly 200~300 items, a lot of them may be repetitive with minor difference. Instead of creating all of them manually, is there a way to generate them dynamically from a table/list/spreadsheet with or without scripting?

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Hi @klhvfd467! Welcome to the AppSheet community!!

No, there is not a way to generate columns dynamically within AppSheet.

A common trap for those new or even fairly new to software development is to think of their data items in terms of columns rather than rows. If many of your “items” are as you say “repetitive with minor differences”, I can guarantee that those items probably should be represented within a single column and the “minor differences” represented in a second column. Then you can dynamically choose the column values as the rows are entered.

Instead of having a single row with the 200-300 columns where some are filled and some are not, you would in your app system have several rows to represent the same data.

There are exceptions so it might be worth your while to provide us with an example of some of your data items should you like to have help in your data design.

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