Seed collection data recording App additions

Hi everyone,

I am a novice with any kind of programming and my source of learning is google, but I am very appreciative of AppSheet making things easier but I am stuck. I have created a complete and functioning App that is used to record native seed collections. A collection includes a wide range of data including automatic unique batch identifier, automatic location, species, how it was collected, who it was collected for, weight etc......

All of these seed batches get included in larger seed mixes for direct seeding restoration sites. One seed batch may contribute to 10 or more larger seed mixes .

I would like to track the seed mixes and weights used with a running total of seed available for each batch. The purpose is so that not only am I tracking where the seed goes, In the spreadsheet I can pull out the species and weights used to create each seed mix.

My thoughts are, an item called "seed mixes" another called "Weight used" and the last "Remaining weight"....................By now you can probably see this is where I'm stuck. I want each seed mix entry and weight to be extractable from the spreadsheet.

Does anyone have any suggestions that might help.

Thank you in advance

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Some screenshots of your current tables might help add the context needed to answer your question. I am a little confused on what you would like to do, but it doesn't sound too difficult, so I hope I can help!

Hi Lynchk21,

Below is a series of photos of the interface and a photo of the master sheet.

The three last columns "Seed mixes", "Weight Used" and "Weight remaining" are the ones that I have no idea how to make it work, especially in regard to multiple seed mix names and weights that need to be recorded and extracted from the master sheet at the same time tracking the remaining weight of the seed batch

I hope this makes a little more sense.

This is the App home screen



When you click on the add button on the app home screen you enter the batch data (three screen shots)







Sorry about the small text, I wanted to fit it in one screen shot.



Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Hi Lynchk21,

Below is a series of photos of the interface and a photo of the master sheet.

The three last columns "Seed mixes", "Weight Used" and "Weight remaining" are the ones that I have no idea how to make it work, especially in regard to multiple seed mix names and weights that need to be recorded and extracted from the master sheet at the same time tracking the remaining weight of the seed batch

I hope this makes a little more sense.

This is the App home screen


When you click on the add button on the app home screen you enter the batch data (three screen shots)


Sorry about the small text, I wanted to fit it in one screen shot.


Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you

You will need a 3 table set up:

  1. Batches (the table you have)
  2. Mixes (a table for each unique mix)
  3. MixBatch (a table that references the other two tables to show all the batches that make up each mix)

I put together a quick example app you can look at to see if that makes sense. You can add "batches" like you have (although without many columns), and you can add "mixes". 

I like what you have done. I don't know how to build that, but might have a better idea if I could seed the data source and the Appsheet interface. I realise you just put this together as an example for me and I am very appreciative, thank you so much. If you haven't deleted it, is there any way you can share the back end with me? so I can work out how you did it? Probably too hard and time consuming to just explain it to a novice but I should be able to work it out if I can see what you did.

I like the addition you made of having all of the batches, like I already have, but categorised with all of the batches under the species name.

Thank you so much

I would be happy to share the example app for your to play around with. Direct message me your email and I will share it. 

Great, thank you so much.

I can't work out how to DM you, but I don't mind my work gmail getting out ๐Ÿ™‚ its not the primary business email anyway (PII Removed by Staff)

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