Scanning of barcode not doing lookup


I am using a copy of this equipment inspection template.  I created a new item, set the Item ID to be the value in a barcode, then tried to do an inspection.  When I scanned the barcode, it said "The scan result didn't match any known entries."

I thought the whole point of this template was to show how to use the barcode scanner to look up an item, and then do an inspection on that item.

Any suggestions on how to get this to work?

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Any suggestions on this from the Google folks?

I usually work with bar scanning as follow:

1. I create one table for scan only
2. The column that will work as a code scanning needs to be a reference of the table I need.
3. I create many virtual columns using Dereference, as many as I need them
i.e. [CODE].[Name], [CODE].[Date] etc
4. Once I read the code it will return all the columns that I need.

But of course it will depend on how and what you need.

PS: The code scanning works better in a different view than you are woking with your resgistration. In one view you enter the data the other you just use as a reference to read. But again, I needed to understand better your app to make a better sugestion 

I used this website to generate a Data Matrix code that represented the "Item ID" and was able to get it to work.


Try something similar and see if you can get results with the existing data.

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