QR Code Generator not working

I have a bot that generates PDFs with QR codes through the Google URL that I believe I found on this forum. I have virtual columns with type of image, using a concatenation of the url and the data I want to pass through as the QR code. Some time yesterday, it stopped working for one of the 3 QR codes we generate, but today it is no longer working for all three. I ran the formula test, found one of the URLs that is being generated, went to it in Chrome manually and it appears fine. Just doesn't appear in the PDF template. Please see screenshots attached. Anyone have any ideas what is going on?Screenshot 2024-01-04 at 9.50.34โ€ฏAM.pngScreenshot 2024-01-04 at 9.50.39โ€ฏAM.pngScreenshot 2024-01-04 at 9.51.24โ€ฏAM.png

Solved Solved
1 39 43.2K


I'm having the same problem. 

Now I'm using a temporary solution of changing a qr-code generator address from:













View solution in original post


Does the app show the image fine?

No, the app was not showing the QR code images either.

I would propose to contact support so devs could debug the reason.

I'm having this same problem, it seems that something must of gone down on googles side as all my previous QR codes have now broken and don't show anywhere.

Strangely, the QR codes started appearing again yesterday. I'm thinking this may confirm that something was down on Google's side.


I'm having the same problem. 

Now I'm using a temporary solution of changing a qr-code generator address from:













When you are using the alternative, how do you set up the image size? Can you please share the code?


It looks like you can use these URL params.
QR Code data, needs to be HTML encoded
Error correction level: L, M, Q or H
Hex color code for the barcode
Hex color code for the background
Transparency of the background: True or False
Width of the whitespace around the barcode
Measurement unit for the quiet zone: mm (default), in (inch), mil (mils), mod (modules) or px (pixel)
Code page used for encoding data. Choose between UTF8 (default), Cyrillic and ANSI
Resolution (DPI - dots per inch) of the barcode image [96..600]
Size of the barcode: small, medium or large
Method used for returning the created barcode (PNG): BASE64 (BASE64 encoded byte array for AJAX calls), Image or Download

Image size by default is 547x547. I don't know how to change image size in this case.
Full code is:

"https://qrcode.tec-it.com/API/QRCode?data="&[QR code complex Key]

You can set the size to an <image/> tag 

Is this provider safe to use?

Thanks. I switched over to this and it works well. You can go to the main link, and there is an "API" tab on the right that shows how you can customize the URL to change the image size, colors, etc.

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404 Not Found
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sir can you please help me how solve.

But it is not taking bulk requests. after hitting 100 times, unable to use it.

Hi Did you find solution to this issue as Even i am facing the same issue since Thursday.


Now it is working

Still it is not working for me, i have been using from from JUN-23, this is the first time getting the issue. Is there any modifications required to URL ?

It is not working for me

It started working again yesterday and is now down again

Since last week for me it seems to function only at certain hours of the day. Afternoon works but mornings do not.

Same here! It's not working or working sometimes.

We started experiencing service outages at about 1:00 PM EST last Thursday, January 4.  The service resumed after about an hour.  We then experienced an outage starting at about 10:30 AM EST today (Monday, January 8 ) that has now continued through 12:20 PM EST. 

Same Here, It is not working

Google is actively shutting this API off as of last week. Google says they shut it down for a few hours each day so that remaining users of this long since deprecated API will stop using it (rough translation, lol).

I just switched to this API. The documentation is clean and simple and it allows for pixel dimensioning in the URL params.

Well, that's really frustrating. 


I found the source myself. Did not think it was true, my bad.


Thanks for providing this additional information- it is much appreciated.

Google still works.

Make sure you fill in all the required parameters, e.g.


They may have just added encoding as a requirement, or size as a requirement. Not sure, but it still works fine. You can move chl to the end if you need to to fit your requirements.

For longer text in chl (say more than 10 characters), it either takes too long time or throws error. For a text of 4-5 characters, it works smoothly.

I had the same issue and switched to https://goqr.me/api/. Similar functionality and syntax.

i use this from today, because google service is down may be https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=70x70&data=

After the first google api failure, I switched my applications to this api, it works perfectly for business cards and internet banking

(URL Removed by Staff)

The syntax is similar with the original api

Is there any comparable solution, that works same as chart.googleapis.com ?

We used the Google-QR-Code API in Excel-Documents for Generating QR-Codes from
entered Data, but they aren't working anymore.

1. Change formula in your app


"https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=250x250&cht=qr&chl="&[Item ID]

to like this (full info about parameters you can find on qrserver):

"https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=250x250&qzone=5&data="&[Item ID]

2. Open data source (table) and change all links in this column by Find/Replace.



After the first google api failure, I switched my applications to this api, it works perfectly for business cards and internet banking etc


The syntax is similar with the original api

Can you share the app which you created where QR code generates pdf ?

Due to google DOC https://developers.google.com/chart/infographics/docs/qr_codes it is deprecated.

Google gave alternative link: https://developers.google.com/chart. Unfortunately there is no alternative to QR codes API.

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