Public App Question

Hi, I'm looking for some advice. I'm building a public app for a friend, basically like a calculator. It's a one page view where you input an age, money amount and other data and it calculates a Gain and Total below. This app will be white label and Publisher Pro. No private data or login will be needed.

But the problem I ran into is all users will see the same data that is entered. For example, when one user inputs data into the app and it syncs, the other person will see those inputs and vice versa (no doubt because it's working off of one row in from my spreadsheet).

What's the best way to make sure each user sees a page with blank starting data? Should I make the app create a new row in my spreadsheet each time the app opens for each user? Is there a feature for this that I'm missing? Or is AppSheet just not a good idea for something like this?

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I just wrote an app where i want differents users manages differents warehouse, and don't see data to warehouse there haven't access. To do it, i use and store useremail() to identify each user. 

If the meaning is to not show the data after it's submitted, and not even to the same user who submitted it, you can set the option Editor > Data > Table > Table settings > Filter out all existing rows? as ON. It will filter all data from every user.

Thanks for the suggestions! My friend is trying to avoid having to collect emails if we can. It would be nice if the app opens and they can get right to using it. Also, for the "Filter out all existing rows?" gives me a blank page. I do want my users to still see at least one row.

Here's a look at what I'm building:

Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 9.49.57 AM.png

I just want each user of the app to fresh inputs but not work over each other.

I'm afraid a calculator type app is probably not well suited for Appsheet. You have already proven that individual users will overwrite each other by only allowing one entry, and the alternative of filtering out existing rows will no longer show the the entered information when using a blank form to start with.

Possible alternative would be a Google Apps Script Web Application where you could handle the calculation either via a client side formula or server side.

You can set the form view as a starting page. Also.. if they click save, open the same form view again. That option is available under the form views definitions.

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