MaxRow function help

I wondering if anyone can help me modify the below expression

MAX ( SELECT (LOCAL CATALOGUE PRICES[List Price], [Product Name & Reference] = [_THISROW].[Product Name & Reference]))

I have a date column called [Valid From Date] in the same "LOCAL CATALOGUE PRICES" table

How do I adjust this expression to return value of "List Price" from the row that has the max value in the [Valid From Date] column?

I believe I might need to use the MAXROW function, but I not sure how to and if it is the correct function to use. 

So essentially what I trying to do is make sure I always return the latest "List Price" value based on the latest [Valid From Date] value as it not always the case that the MAX [List Price] value is always the latest value. 

Hope I making sense.

0 3 71

Is the "List Price" a key column?

No it's [_ComputedKey]

Hi @AleksiAlkio  so I have a computed key for Table: Local Catalogue Prices called  [_ComputedKey]

Let me know if can perhaps direct me on the correct expression.

I have a virtual column called [Price List] that is a price column type in another table called Table: Local Product Assortment, where I was using the following expression

MAX ( SELECT (LOCAL CATALOGUE PRICES[List Price], [Product Name & Reference] = [_THISROW].[Product Name & Reference]))

Which was sufficient at the time as I did not have more than one price for the relevant [Product Name & Reference].

However I am adding additional prices for the same [Product Name & Reference] and sometimes we are droping a price. So I can not longer use the MAX expression to return the max [List Price] as it might not be the latest price list. 

So I need to use [Valid Unit Data] to ensure I pull the latest price. 

The below screenshot might give you a better example of what I want to achieve. 




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