LINKTOFORM and copying data into "initial value" fields

I am attempting to make a very simple copy of a row. Some of the data in that row has initial values. I'd like to copy the existing values and not generate new values, specifically for UNIQUEID("PackedUUID"). If I try to have a cell copied with initial data, one of two things happens.

  • For plain text, the copy is simply not done and the initial value is inserted.
  • For formula data, as soon as I initiate the action the app crashes.

Please help me understand how to work through this.

Here is the setup that works (almost. for some reason [TRACKING] will not copy.)


LINKTOFORM("Add to existing shipment",[CLIENT],[COMPANY],[STATUS],[TRACKING])


 This is the table I'm working in.
Screen Shot 2023-11-07 at 4.22.42 PM.png

The columns that have initial values are:

  • client
  • company
  • date notified
  • notified by
  • status
  • unique id
  • order id

Thank you!

Solved Solved
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Hello my friend, when you work with linktoform always have in mind that the first column will not be represented by [], you'll have to use double quotes instead " " for example

LINKTOFORM("Add to existing shipment","CLIENT",[COMPANY],"STATUS",[TRACKING])

View solution in original post


Would this work to change [client] -> "client" and [status] -> "status"?

The app does not check for any errors and having [] notations in these places seems wrong.. (Appsheet sometimes make guesses in the background and may be OK here.)

I think you know the answer, but I know so little about this that I didn't catch on. The answer that @peterson gave next got things working for me. Thank you for your help.


Hello my friend, when you work with linktoform always have in mind that the first column will not be represented by [], you'll have to use double quotes instead " " for example

LINKTOFORM("Add to existing shipment","CLIENT",[COMPANY],"STATUS",[TRACKING])

While I do not understand why this works, it does. All of my difficulties are resolved. Thank you so much!

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