How to view date in other format with Concatenation?

In my google sheet locale format is English. I enter all dates in format - its ok.

But when I write query with "select" dates and Concatenate with other data like (in output): "ClientName - DateOfBirdth", so i receive: 
"John Smith - mm/dd/yy". 
But I need:
"John Smith -"
Where can I it change? Or It is Concatenation rules?   
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@Sofjw722  In appsheet try a text column using this formulae:

[ClientName] & " - " & Text([DateOfBirth], "")

Same as

CONCATENATE([ClientName], " - ", Text([DateOfBirth], "")) 

does not work.. writes: "TEXT function with two arguments requires a temporal type and text representing a date format"

Make sure your DateOfBirth column is set to Date type. 

Dates will display in your App views according to the Locale/Regional Settings on your device/browser. Set the locale on your device to the desired settings and it will fix your display.

A part from that, to have no calculation errors, make sure both, your sheet and your table settings in the AppSheet Editor, are set to the same locale. 

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