How to change the colours to reference complete vs incomplete jobs?

Hi Everyone

Can anyone help me in figuring out how to change the colours according to completed vs incompleted work in the gallery view, please? Please see the photo.

I want completed to = green & incompleted to = red


AppSheet - Changing Colours.png

0 3 132

Please use format rules, something like [Work]="Completed" , set it to green text and icon color and [Work]="Incomplete" and set it to red text and icon color for the column marked as label.

Format Rules: The Essentials - AppSheet Help


You may want to note that Gallery vie displays label column with each gallery tile. As such it may be a good practice to use another column as label instead of work status. You could concatenate status with another column if possible such as below where Order ID is concatenated with Order status as label, so each record is still uniquely labeled.



Thank you for your help and the further considerations that I will incorporate. 

May I ask for you to walk me through how to fulfill this part as you described, please?

You may want to note that Gallery vie displays label column with each gallery tile. As such it may be a good practice to use another column as label instead of work status. You could concatenate status with another column if possible such as below where Order ID is concatenated with Order status as label, so each record is still uniquely labeled.

or if there is a youtube video I can watch? I am not sure how to do the concatenating/linking. I want "complete/incomplete" to show from the data source column with a ID that is related to each gallery title that is a [Permit number]. Which will be similar to a "order number/task number" in other cases.

Thank you



So if [Permit number] is the key of the table, you could use  a column called say [Permit_Number_Status] with a concatenation something like CONCATENATE([Work], "-",[Permit Number]). You could mark that column as label column of the table.

Thereafter you could set format rules on this column [Permit_Number_Status] something like [Work] ="Completed" with green colour for text and icon and [Work] ="Incomplete" with red colour for text and icon.

Something like in a similar example below. The image shows format rule for [Order Status]="Complete" and label column is set with green colour for text and icon.



Top Labels in this Space