Hotel Room Inspection (Row template question)


Hello, Thanks for your reply from my previous comments, I just give a try but sorry I still didn't get it

so I will explain more detail.

I make an inspection App for Hotel room, I have a list of questions that will be filled by operator's who doing the inspection, the list is static, around 15 questions/rows, so every room have same list of 15 questions(Yes/NO).

So the Operator will choose which Floor, which Room number and then filled list of question,

Question Table

q1Question 1  
q2Question 2  
q3Question 3  
q4Question 4  
q5Question 5  
q6Question 6  
q7Question 7  
q8Question 8  
q9Question 9  
q10Question 10  
q11Question 11  
q12Question 12  
q13Question 13  
q14Question 14  
q15Question 15  

ex. result table

IDOperator NameDateFloorRoom NumberList QuestionYes/NoNote
a1ABC5/9/20243302Question 1Yes 
a2ABC5/9/20243302Question 2No 
a3ABC5/9/20243302Question 3Yes 
a4ABC5/9/20243302Question 4N.A. 
a5ABC5/9/20243302Question 5Yes 
a6ABC5/9/20243302Question 6N.A. 
a7ABC5/9/20243302Question 7No 
a8ABC5/9/20243302Question 8Yes 
a9ABC5/9/20243302Question 9No 
a10ABC5/9/20243302Question 10Yes 
a11ABC5/9/20243302Question 11Yes 
a12ABC5/9/20243302Question 12No 
a13ABC5/9/20243302Question 13Yes 
a14ABC5/9/20243302Question 14No 
a15ABC5/9/20243302Question 15N.A. 
a16ABC5/9/20243305Question 1Yes 
a17ABC5/9/20243305Question 2No 
a18ABC5/9/20243305Question 3Yes 
a19ABC5/9/20243305Question 4N.A. 
a20ABC5/9/20243305Question 5Yes 
a21ABC5/9/20243305Question 6N.A. 
a22ABC5/9/20243305Question 7No 
a23ABC5/9/20243305Question 8Yes 
a24ABC5/9/20243305Question 9No 
a25ABC5/9/20243305Question 10Yes 
a26ABC5/9/20243305Question 11Yes 
a27ABC5/9/20243305Question 12No 
a28ABC5/9/20243305Question 13Yes 
a29ABC5/9/20243305Question 14No 
a30ABC5/9/20243305Question 15N.A. 

I hope you understand with it

thank you for your help


0 2 110

For now your structure is less complicated - I'll go into that more later.

You have the right idea. What I would recommend is to separate the Inspection level details from the Questions.  So your "result" table becomes 2 tables --  "Room Inspections"  and "Inspection Results".  

Room Inspections - ID, Operator Name, Date, Floor, Room Number
Inspection Results - ID, Room Inspection, Question, Answer, Note

For inspection entry, there are many ways to implement the inspection entry depending on YOUR prefered process. 

Assuming that the "Operator" is entering the Room info AND Inspecting at the same time, I would Add a Room Inspection row and when Save is tapped, attach actions to the Form Save that will:

  1. Copy the Questions into the Inspection Results table for THIS Room Inspection
  2. Navigate to a Table View that is in QuickEdit mode.  This view shows the List of ALL questions with the ability to answer each question AND enter a Note.

If you wish for Room Inspections to be entered previously and an Operator then SELECTS a Room Inspection to perform.  I would in this case, have an "Inspect" button somewhere - maybe show Room Inspections in a Deck View with this button.   When the "Inspect" button is tapped, it performs the actions noted above - 1) and 2),

Circling back to the structure...

I know it seems that you only need a static list of questions now.  But you will likely find in time that you DO need different set of questions for different types of rooms/situations. 

For example, if a room has two beds versus a single bed, you may may want questions tailored to those specific rooms.  Or if a room is a suite with kitchenette versus a studio,   Or if a room is Pet friendly versus one that is not.  This is where the Template approach will be extremely useful.  You can create a Template for each type of room. 

Not only can you tailor the questions to each room, but you can modify the list of questions to each room type independent of the others.

I hope this helps!

Hi Willow

Thanks for your helpful explanation, I really appreciated, it gave me bright lights, I just give a try but maybe my knowledge is not enough to doing exactly what you said.

to make it more clear, is there's a ref between :

Room Inspections - ID, Operator Name, Date, Floor, Room Number
Inspection Results - ID, Room Inspection, Question, Answer, Note

how to do the step no 1? bulk copy? how the copied list of questions recognize the Room Inspections? and how to navigate to the list of questions of QuickEdit mode that related to step no 1

thank you


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