HELP: My bot works during testing, but not when deployed

Bronze 3
Bronze 3


I created a bot that runs on a monthly schedule. It generates a PDF using a <<Start: FILTER()>> <<End>> expression based on each of my user's data.  During testing, everything works beautifully.  However, once I deploy the app, it no longer works and I get the message below about my <<Start: FILTER()>> <<End>> expression.  I'm still very new to Appsheet and cannot for the life of me figure what this error means.  I am hoping someone within the community can educate me on how to resolve the issue.  I've been at this for hours and really need to get this app up and running.  Thanks!

ERROR MESSAGE:  Error encountered in step with name [Generate & Send PDF to users]: Error: Task 'Generate & Send PDF to users' Attachment template. Found 1 unmatched 'Start'. They are: <p class="c0"><span class="c11 c9 c13"><<Start: FILTER("Assessment Results", [Site] = [_THISROW].[Site])>></span></p>


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Remove everything else except the Start, [Site] and End and then test. Then start to add your lines one by one so you can see what is causing this.

View solution in original post


Please take a printscreen from your template  it depends how have you used it.

Hello AleksiAlkio,

Here is a screenshot minus some redacted internal information. What's weird is I am using the very same expression in another deployed app with the exception of the table it references and it works just fine in that app.



Hi @AleksiAlkio ,

Do you have any idea how I can utilize the bot I setup for this expression to work via a slash command in a chat app?

Currently, my bot is scheduled to run once a month. It references my User database and emails each individual a report.  I would like to allow users to connect with my app via chat, and through the use of a slash command, trigger the bot or a new one to email the report to them at any given time.  I've been running some tests for the past couple of days to see if I can get this working, but I can't seem to figure it out. 

I created a new bot and thought I could make use of the settings from my working bot, but when I reference my User database, I get an error that no email was in the TO, CC or BCC field.  So, I then tried referencing a Current User slice of my User database and that semi worked.  I got an email!  However, my Start: FILTER expression didn't seem to work.  The body of the email received was blank.

Monthly bot custom template settings


Chat app test bot settings


Email body expression for chat app test bot:  

Hello <<Current User[First Name]>>, THIS WORKED, BUT [First Name] DID NOT WORK.





Remove the space after the Start: and see if that helps.

Unfortunately that didn't work!

This is so weird and frustrating. If I put the app back into a prototype state and test the automation.... it works and I get the email with the PDF attached!  I then deploy it again, and it doesn't work.

Instead of using <<Site>>, use <<[Site]>>. You have it in two different places.

Sorry, that also did not work.

Remove everything else except the Start, [Site] and End and then test. Then start to add your lines one by one so you can see what is causing this.


As you suggested, I started over and figured out what the issue was. Turns out it was a PII issue. I have a user database that I use with all my apps. Upon importing it into this new app, I forgot to review the settings for each data type. Once I made some adjustments, everything started working as expected.  

Thank you for jumping in and helping me with this issue.  I really appreciate your time!

Good to hear you were able to find the reason!

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