Getting interactive dashboard working with a single slice

I have a dashboard view, showing two views based on the same slice.  Interactive mode is ON.
Current behaviour:  Clicking the chart on the left, switches to the "Ready to join" view (whole screen) filtered by the selection (eg click Beavers, "Ready to Join" table switches to a table view showing  only Beaver records).

Desired behaviour:  I want / am expecting to click the chart in the dashboard and for the table to refresh (in situ, within the dashboard) on the right - NOT to switch to the full screen view.

Separately: Is it possible to have an interactive dashboard with a Map and Table views, where the table content changes in response to the displayed datapoints on the map.  ie map shows 10 datapoints, table should show 10; map shows 25, table shows 25 etc.

What am I overlooking?  Thanks in advance.



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