File Not Found Message

Does anyone know why I am getting this error on some of my PDF files uploaded into one of the rows on my app? The files are all in a specified path and some files work, some do not...? File Not Found.jpgApp Path Location.jpgFile Location.jpg

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  1. Open your source database and make sure the saved filename is correct.
  2. Go to Drive and search using the filename stored in the database. Sometimes there could be a small difference in the filename like an extra space or something.
  3. Clear your browser's cache.

So here are two file links in my google drive to files that were uploaded the same exact way. One is a hyperlink, one is not. Any idea why Appsheet wouldn't save the files the same way?FILE NAMES.png

More of the files do not work than do. I have a very small handful that work out of thousands.

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