Error in Template when generating PDF


Have not done changes to the app and am getting the following error message when generating a PDF:


Error encountered in step with name [Print invoice]: Error: 'New process 7' task 'Print Inovice' 
Body template. Expression '<u+200f><u+200f>CEILING((COUNT([Related InvoicesDetails][InvoicesDetailID])*1.00)/15)<u+200f><u+200f>' is invalid due to: Unable to find function '<u+200f><u+200f>CEILING', 
did you mean 'CEILING'?. Error: 'New process 7' task 'Print Inovice' Body template. 
Expression '(CEILING((<u+200f><u+200f>COUNT([Related InvoicesDetails][InvoicesDetailID])*1.00)/15)=
([id]+1))<u+200f><u+200f>' is invalid due to: Unable to find function '<u+200f><u+200f>COUNT', did you mean 'COUNT'?.
Error: 'New process 7' task 'Print Inovice' Body template. 'If' expression 
'(CEILING((<u+200f><u+200f>COUNT([Related InvoicesDetails][InvoicesDetailID])*1.00)/15)=([id]+1))<u+200f><u+200f>' yields
 a result of type '' rather than the expected type 'Yes/No'. Error: 'New process 7' 
task 'Print Inovice' Body template. Expression '<u+200f><u+200f>COUNT([Related InvoicesDetails]
[InvoicesDetailID])' is invalid due to: Unable to find function '<u+200f><u+200f>COUNT', 
did you mean 'COUNT'?. Error: 'New process 7' task 'Print Inovice' 
Body templ

 nbsp;encountered in step with name [Print invoice]: Error: 'New process 7' task 'Print Inovice' Body template. Expression '<u+200f><u+200f>

 nbsp;encountered in step with name [Print invoice]: Error: 'New process 7' task 'Print Inovice' Body template. Expression '<u+200f><u+200f>

Screen Shot 2022-12-08 at 12.16.33 PM.png

0 9 516

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Please contact AppSheet Support for help with this.

What are you using as a template?

a Word document.

Try unstyling all of your Start: expressions

@SkrOYC wrote:

Try unstyling all of your Start: expressions

Error encountered in step with name [Print invoice]: Error: 'New process 7' task 'Print 
Inovice' Body template. Expression 'START: TOP([Related InvoicesDetails]
[InvoicesDetailID],[id]*15+15)- TOP([Related InvoicesDetails][InvoicesDetailID],[id]*15)'
 is invalid due to: Unable to find function 'START: TOP', did you mean 'STARTSWITH'?. 
Error: 'New process 7' task 'Print Inovice' Body template. Expression '[Order Name]' is 
invalid due to: Unable to find column 'Order Name', did you mean 'FileName'?. Error: 'New 
process 7' task 'Print Inovice' Body template. Expression '[OrderID].[Dias entregados]' 
is invalid due to: Unable to find column 'OrderID', did you mean 'Created'?. Error: 'New 
process 7' task 'Print Inovice' Body template. Expression '[OrderID].[Fechas Entregadas]
' is invalid due to: Unable to find column 'OrderID', did you mean 'Created'?. Error: 
'New process 7' task 'Print Inovice' Body template. Expression '[Quantity]' 
is invalid due to: Unable to find column 'Quantity', did yo

I did change then and got the above error. 

Can you make sure there is no blankspace between Start: and TOP?

Start:TOP # This
Start: TOP # This not

Just trying, I don't recall if it should work with a blankspace or not. The rest "Unable to find.." stuff is related to the Start: not being recognized


Still does not work, it gives error.

Error encountered in step with name [Print invoice]: Error: 'New process 7' task 'Print Inovice' Body template. Expression 'START: TOP([Related InvoicesDetails][InvoicesDetailID],[id]*15+15)- TOP([Related InvoicesDetails][InvoicesDetailID],[id]*15)' is invalid due to: Unable to find function 'START: TOP', did you mean 'STARTSWITH'?. Error: 'New process 7' task 'Print Inovice' Body template. Expression '[Order Name]' is invalid due to: Unable to find column 'Order Name', did you mean 'FileName'?. Error: 'New process 7' task 'Print Inovice' Body template. Expression '[OrderID].[Dias entregados]' is invalid due to: Unable to find column 'OrderID', did you mean 'Created'?. Error: 'New process 7' task 'Print Inovice' Body template. Expression '[OrderID].[Fechas Entregadas]' is invalid due to: Unable to find column 'OrderID', did you mean 'Created'?. Error: 'New process 7' task 'Print Inovice' Body template. Expression '[Quantity]' is invalid due to: Unable to find column 'Quantity', did yo

I think there is a problem with the way AppSheet parses the template, so please contact support


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