Capture response from form submission and display to user

I have created an Apps Sheet application.

  • The application currently a form " Create Contact and Make Payment"
  • This form requires users to fill in important information.
  • When users submit the form, there is an automation that runs an appscript.
  • When the script runs, it calls an API.
  • This API call returns a payment Link.
  • My script logs the payment Link and other information to a google sheet.


What can I do to ensure that when users submit the form, the automation runs and the payment Link is returned to the user as either a continuation of the view or in another view.

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Hello there,

You can use the "return value" function within the automations with google scripts so that your google script can "give" the payment link to appsheet, so that then you can choose which columns to populate them in:

Hi Rafael_ANEIC-PY

Thank you for your response. I have tried to explore the return value option but I am really not able to achieve this and would be happy if you could assist me further.

If you would share what you have made so far, and where you're getting any errors and what are these errors then I could help you troubleshoot this issue further

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