Appsheet url automatically changes back to default page in desktop mode. Is there a way to fix it?

I was using this formula below and posting it in the body of the HTTP request for slack hook to link the slack message back to the appsheet page. 

"<<_APPID>><<LINKTOROW([camp id], "Campaign_Detail")>>

However, when I switched to the desktop mode, the link goes to the legacy mode and automatically changes back to desktop mode but not to the designated detail view but to the default dashboard view. Is there a way to set up a url so that it goes to the detail view in desktop mode? 

0 2 147

Desktop mode is in preview, we expect that a lot of things are just not compatible with the mobile mode, so take any problem as a design flag rather than a bug and report. It's beign developed, it's not made for production if it doesn't meet your requirements

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Please report problems with the desktop view preview here:

In Preview: New UI design for desktop users - Google Cloud Community

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