AppSheet and GCAL

I am having a similar issue. I have a pretty basic coding background. 

All I want to do is to pull the name, email, phone, address, project details, lead source from the "description" column of the GAppS integrated gCal. 

Since this is the beginning of both my IRL workflow and the GAppS workflow I would like to populate a virtual column.. or maybe even some kind of "dummy" sheet (now that i think about it.. I should probably not use vc).. really whatever it takes including GAPI calls.. GAppScripts.. Heck.. I used to have a situation that pulled things from emails.. that would populate things to GS.. whatever setup and maintenance is fine (obviously something efficient and automated would be better.. I am currently manually updating thousands of columns.. and man.. its aint gonna work like this haha)  

I am just having trouble with the parsing of the description column.. and simply getting the mentioned data from the "description" (which I'm not going to lie makes me feel dumb hahahah) 

I am sure this will open up an entire can of worms so hopefully i am not completely out of my depth

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Would you please show at least one sample from your description column. It doesn't need to be valid, just a sample. And what do you want to do with that data? Do you want to save it to another table with individual columns?

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