Any idea how to change the google e-mail addr...

Any idea how to change the google e-mail address associated with my AppSheet account? Can’t find the option

in settings.

0 5 562

You cannot change the Google account itself associated with your AppSheet account.

But if the email associated with that Google account changes, we’ll pick it up in AppSheet the next time you log in

Hello Praveen,

I have the same problem. However, mine is a little bit different because the e-mail is the same ( but I changed the server (G-Suite to Office 365).

I created a workflow rule to know when a person change data in the app, but my Gmail e-mail is not working anymore and I can’t switch to Office. How can I do that?

@praveen hmm, I think my google account is defined by its email address. I created a new email/google account and moved everything over to it. I only have 1 app - is there a way I can migrate it to a new AppSheet account that I’ll create and link to my new google account?

Sure. - Transfer an App Between Users or Accounts

In general, search — it has a lot of useful materials Transfer an App Between Users or Accounts

@praveen Great, thanks!

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