Adding users from the same app

Hi! Here is my question: How can I be able to add new app users and their different roles from the same app using a form?

I already have a table with the users and I can add new users from this table form too but since I have an "authentication policy" to people to be able to use my app, I have to add manually every new user from the app account interface and I want to do this automatically from the same app.

Could somebody help me with? 

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If all your users are on the same Domain, you can add the entire domain but another users on that domain that are not inside your userstable will be able to log in and it'll count on your usage

Thanks for your comment. I know that this is a possibility, however, as you said, every user that is part of the domain could enter to the app even if there is a table that not let users to access the information, but when they login are going to add a user registry in the app and also increase the billing.  Therefore, I've been adding users manually inside the account and thru the app at the same time.

@josebadilla wrote:

I've been adding users manually inside the account and thru the app at the same time.

That's what I do on my apps

hello, what you can do is create the USER table


the password is optional, but I put it in order to have a second step,


I left the application public





UX the person will only be able to view if the email exists in the table

What you are trying to do is not supported and may be against the terms and conditions of the platform.

Public apps are not meant for private info that requires log-in

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