Raise Fault Exception



Within the security reporting the following error is occurring a lot. First of all, is there a document where all the fault codes are explained? Otherwise, what can be a reason for the error and how can it be solved?



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I don't see your security report, but.... "RaiseFault exception" sounds to me that it is reporting the incidence of the use of the RaiseFault policy from within API Proxies.  RaiseFault explicitly causes a fault condition, and sends back a message to the calling app.  It is often used to signal that something was wrong in the client's request. For example: 

  • incorrect content-type.  therefore RaiseFault with 415 status code
  • unsupported Accept header.  ==> RaiseFault with 406 status code
  • invalid {verb, path} combination.  Eg POST /foo/bar is not supported, ergo RaiseFault with 404
  • missing a required queryparam or header.  ==> RaiseFault 400
  • the inbound call is not authorized. ==> RaiseFault with 401 status code.  This could be used if you use an external authorization service, like OPA.

The people that designed your Apigee proxies included  some explicit checking in them, and sometimes those checks are indicating the inbound request is bad, so the proxy is explicitly sending back faults or error responses to the callers, to inform them.



Thank you for response. Regarding that you can not see my security report I mean the following fault codes as an example:




Is there an overview of all fault codes including their explanation and possible causes?

