Developer Portal - How to use a custom theme ?

Hi All,

We have got a custom theme from our UI theme for our APigee dev portal and it is pretty different from the themes provided by Apigee. We are currently playing our the dev portal by making the configuration changes. There I can see options to select the different themes but nowhere I could find the option to add a new theme. Can someone help me with that?


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hi @aagrawal

Are you open to modifying the default theme(s) rather than adding a completely new one? You can read more about modifying default theme(s) in our documentation here.

Hi @alexkoo, it is mentioned there

'If you want to write custom theme code, do not modify the portal's default theme files. If you do modify a default theme file, then those changes will be overwritten the next time you upgrade your portal.'


You'll want to use sub-themes. Please see the section "Customizing a theme by creating a sub-theme".

@aagrawal , Like @alexkoo said, Look for "Customizing a theme by creating a sub-theme" section in above link to create a sub theme out of Apigee Base theme. I will try to do a quick 4MV4D video on this topic this week.