Update Dashboard ID

We are migrating the dashboard to different environments, causing the change in the dashboard ID.

Is there a way to update the Looker Dashboard ID?

Note: We are looking for the option of using slug ID but the implementation will take time. We are looking for some quick fix

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I don't believe dashboard IDs can be changed because they uniquely identify a dashboard.

The slug acts as a secondary ID which can be updated. The quickest route is to hop into the API Explorer and use the `update_dashboard` endpoint: https://pricespiderstaging.cloud.looker.com/extensions/marketplace_extension_api_explorer::api-explo...

Simply add your dashboard ID and replace the JSON with just the 22 alphanumeric `slug` value:

"slug": "retailerpricegrid01582"


Once you click Run, you can go back to the dashboard, open the ellipses menu, and click "Get LookML". The `preferred_slug` should be set to your value. Alternatively, you can replace the dashboard ID in the URL with your slug, then hit enter; it should reload the page and land you on the same dashboard page.