Receiving error when I try to open reports {{::reportViewCtrl.getReportName()}}


For some reason when I click to open a report, I receive this error

This happens for my own reports and templates. It also happens if I try to create a new report.

I'm using Google Chrome and my account is in a Google workspace. 

I've logged in and out and can't find any other mentions of this online, so I'm stumped. 

Thanks Ronan

0 5 783

Same problem here, since today. Everything worked fine until yesterday. 

I also have the problem. Did someone find a solution?

Got this error as well. Did someone find a solution?

Started getting this issue about a month ago, also not found a solution yet. Hope someone can help!

Update: For me this state lasted for a day or so; after that everything worked again. So unless this problem persists, I would simply wait it out.

(I was kinda concerned about the fact that it started happening around the time when I updated my Looker Studio sheets from UA to GA4 sources.)