Number of Views and Number of Looks generated

Hi all,

I am very new to Looker and I was wondering if anyone could help me with my inquiry. I have admin access and I want to look at the number of views that are associated with a Look/dashboard. In addition to that I also want to look at the distinct number of looks/dashboards created by a user. Has anyone ever looked into this ?

Thanks in advance.



0 3 1,357

Hi jaspreet,

Your first question could be answered in this way:

  1. Go to Explore -> System Activity -> Dashboard
  2. Select Dashboard -> Title as your filter and enter/select the dashboard (or do it by ID if easier)
  3. Go to Query -> Explore

This will show you all the explores/views associated with particular dashboard

Your second question you can achieve by exploring dashboard and look views on system_activity. Those, unlike history would give you the total number, because history explore only keeps it for 90 days

Hi Dawid,

Thanks for your response. I am having a little difficulty with the first one. When I select explore from Query it doesn’t show any results. Is this supposed to come from measures ?

For the second part which section under Look or Dashboard am I supposed to click on to get the desired result ?



Can you show me exactly what you’re doing? For the #1 you still have to use the title or ID of the Dashboard as a filter, at least I’m assuming so.

Basically what I do is:

  1. Dashboard -> Title
  2. Query -> Count of Explores

That gives me number of explores per Dashboard