Is "Revert to Legacy" really going to be disabled in Looker 21.18?

It feels like there are still a LOT of issues for which the Support answer is “revert to legacy, edit, and re-upgrade” (or for which there is no Support answer, e.g. the issues with funnel viz). Getting increasingly anxious as 21.18 grows closer:


Can the Looker teams (Product? DCL?) weigh in on whether there is any talk of pushing back the deprecation of this feature?

I’d love to have the community share examples of bugs for which Support’s recommendation is “revert to legacy to fix”, so that we can get a sense of the scope here.

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Some examples to get started:

“edit description” functionality
adding Looks to dashboard from the dashboard
editing a filter that is not available from Next (that was created in Legacy)

Oh where do I start? 😄

From the top of my head is the funnel visualisation that is rendered in completely different way than while creating it.

Unexpected behaviour with font sizes in single-value tiles.

Unexpected behaviour of column sizes in table visualisation.

I feel like dashboard-next bugs megathread is needed. @Dawid you want to start it? 😄

I think I found another one, please confirm!

I have a next-gen dashboard with one tile. I add a filter, then, without saving, I go on to edit the tile. When I come back to the dashboard, the filter is gone!

It must be because the tile is a merged query, which opens in the new tab and upon saving it refreshes the dashboard. It might not be a bug but it creates two tabs with the same dashboard with a possible case of overwriting some changes from one or the other side..

Also when we add new tiles, they always go to the bottom of the page even if there’s space anywhere else. This is especially annoying when I have a lot of small single-value tiles, I make space for one extra, then click Duplicate Tile, and instead of going into that space, it’s at the very bottom and I have to move it into that little space while destroying some other parts of the layout on its way 😄

@er1k I think I should have started the mega thread after all