How to find if look is a part of dashboard or not


I am trying to find a way to see if a look is part of dashboard or not.
I am mainly after the list of looks who do not happen to be a part of any dashboard and exist as individual looks.
I tried using i_looker but dint get any help.
Please advice.


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That’s a tricky one. I still don’t understand why system_activity --> Look explore doesn’t have a dashboard_id in the list of dimensions.

Right now, the best you can do is to use History, which of course only gives you data for last 90 days, so it won’t give you everything.

In the history you can select dashboard title or other dashboard metric as a filter to be null and then title of Looks as a dimension

Thinking about another way to do this that doesn’t rely on the past 90 days, you could flip your proposed order, since the Dashboard explore includes Look, and use Merge Results to get the list you’re after.

Base Query: List of all the Looks in your instance (replace your_host with your looker hostname),,look.title&limit=5000&query_timezone=America%2FLos_Angeles&vis=%7B%7D&filter_config=%7B%7D&origin=share-expanded

Merged Query: List of all Dashboard/Look combos (replace your_host with your looker hostname),dashboard.title,[]=NOT+NULL&

Then you can merge the existing queries (shameless plug for Merge Monster) and either sort by Dashboard ID to see the rows where it’s null, or add a quick table calculation is_null(${}) and Hide No’s from Visualization on that. Should give you a list of all Looks that are not present on a Dashboard.

It sounds a little convoluted, but it only took about 1 minute to build. Note this will only work reliably if you have 5000 or less look/dashboard combinations in your instance.

Thank you so much Dawid that works fine 🙂

Thanks so much @izzymiller that works absolutely fine 🙂