Does Looker Supports Oracle 19c as Dialect


We are planning to upgrade DB to Oracle 19c from Oracle12cr2. Will Looker support Oracle 19c as Datasource

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While I know nothing about this specifically, I see from the Looker 7 changelog, Looker 7 uses Oracle JDBC driver to v18.3. I would suggest that if Oracle 19c supports Oracle JDBC driver to v18.3, then you should be fine.

Quinn is on point with his reply. Adding a bit more detail!

We don’t explicitly support Oracle 19c as a supported dialect, but it’s much the same as Oracle ADWC which we support at an Integration level:

Looker Dialects

Looker Dialect Support and Database Configuration Instructions

This means it’s “A dialect that is partially supported. Looker is able to connect to this dialect, but there are no commitments to improve implementation, fix issues, or regularly run tests against the dialect.”

I would expect it to work A-Okay, but it’s not a core/fully supported dialect.