Submit Job But Never Ran

I am trying to test a bash script on the cloud, but when I submit it, it repeatedly switch between SCHEDULE and QUEUE and never ran. Here is the bash script that I am trying to run: 



source /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/
conda activate WaifuDiffusion

export FOLDER=/home/kannachan/SeaSalt-Downloader

python $FOLDER/ -u "" \
       --scraper danbooru \
       --filter tag_filter animated video \
       --saver folder mika_pikazo       


I config my job as follows:


    "taskGroups": [
            "taskSpec": {
                "runnables": [
                       "script": {
			      "text": "#!/bin.bash\n bash ../" 
                "computeResource": {
                    "cpuMilli": 2000,
                    "memoryMib": 16
                "maxRetryCount": 2,
                "maxRunDuration": "3600s"
            "taskCount": 4,
            "parallelism": 2
    "allocationPolicy": {
        "instances": [
                "policy": { "machineType": "g2-standard-8" }
    "labels": {
        "department": "ai",
        "env": "web-scrapper"
    "logsPolicy": {
        "destination": "CLOUD_LOGGING"



Both and config.json is in the same directory. I ran:
gcloud batch jobs submit batch-job-1 --location us-central1 --config config.json


gcloud batch jobs submit batch-job-1 --location us-central1 --config config.json



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Hi @ModernNoob,

Welcome to the Google Cloud Community!

You can try the following troubleshooting options:

  1. In your job config, on line 8, you should change your "text" to "path". Also, try changing "bin.bash" to "bin/bash".
  2. You should also change your file to an executable file. You can do this by using "chmod a+x FILENAME".
  3. You can also get in touch with Google Cloud Support if the above options don't work.

Let me know if it helped, thanks!