PALM/GEMINI Private data set.


I am a developer working on a project where i will store user specific data into firebase firestore.
I am attempting to integrate this user specific data(Text Only) with PALM2/GEMINI so i can let users query their own data while also using llm.

I am not sure how i can achieve this, should i embed the data into vertex vector store then run a cloud function to Palm/gemini or use a palm extension and try embed the user data as part of a chat history field? 

Example use case: User stores their timetable for the week and then asks the chat model when's my next dentist appointment. 

I want it to also be exposed to LLM data say user asks: How can i rearrange my timetable to increase my quality of life(The AI will look at the timetable and its own data to decide the result) 

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You can either embed user data into the Vertex Vector Store and use cloud functions for interaction or use a PALM extension to embed user data in chat history. Choose based on simplicity and compatibility with your project requirements.