Not able to add csv file in knowledge base from local

So I am trying to make a question answer type therapy based chatbot, which is why using Dialogflow, this is my first time using this. I am trying to add my csv file in the knowledge base and it giving error, no idea what exactly the error is as it's not showing any sort of logs. It's FAQ type knowledge and text/csv as mime type. I am adding drive link of my csv file as I can't upload the file here, so that if there is any format errors, it can be identified. 

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when you are creating the data store, which type of data store are you using? structured or unstructured data.

Check the docs here:

Check file permission at your local and turn off your firewall and
antivirus software..
If not working you can check your sitting chrome or Firefox or any...
You can send me if not do more steps


when you are creating the data store, which type of data store are you using? structured or unstructured data.

Check the docs here:

I tried uploading with firewall turned off, it didn't work, my file is csv type so i think it's unstructured. It has 2 columns: "question", "answer
I'll google sheet link for it, because whatever is there in the document you shared is being followed, so not sure where I went wrong. Is there some character limit, I know there is size limit of 2.5mb, but mine is 152kb with 110 rows, but the answer columns has huge answers, could that be the reason for this? If yes what character limit should I keep for each answer?

My dataset:

can you please send me some screenshot of the process?


Here's the screenshot

oh you are using Dialogflow ES,  I will recommend to switch to Dialgoflow CX and create Vertex AI Data stores

Will try, thanks


Just sharing screenshot of my datastore, I was able to add my csv file in bucket and then make that as datastore, and in the new dialogflow cx app i am using that datastore. I am following youtube guides, where once they open the bot and type question related to content in their datastore in test agent, they are getting related answer. But I'm getting this:


This exact question is there in my datastore, so i dont know why it's not working for me, is there a step by step guide on how to do, for some reason it's not working for me

did you add the data store handler?