LanguageAPP.translate() premium usage


I have a script (Apps Script) which is taking a file from Google Drive translates it and the result is written back to GoogleDrive as a new file.
For the translation I'm using the LanguageApp.translate which has a limit (per min and per day) for free tier. I am hitting this limit and threfore willing to use a premium tier as it's suggests and connect it to the my GCP,  but without any success.
What was done
1. This script was added to a GCP project under my account in Apps Script settings
2. billing was added this project in GCP
3. I have enabled APIs for this project and Google translate is one of them, though i'm not sure what exactly    LanguageApp.translate is using
Once the script is launched I see on GCP API monitoring that there are requests on Google drive API, but non on Google translation....
Any ideas (if it is possible at all) ? 
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Hi @MarkGla

Ideally, if your script worked on your trial/ free tier, it should also be working on your paid tier since your concerns are more on quotas and limits. It is possible that there is a configuration mismatch between your free and paid setup.

Here's some pointers that might help.

  • The Cloud Translate API should be enabled in your Google Cloud Project
  • The LanguageApp library must be installed in your Google Workspace AppScript project
  • Set the correct credentials for your Google Cloud project in your AppScript project
  • Try restarting your Google Cloud project and clear your browser's cache and cookies
  • Contact Google Cloud Translate support for further assistance

Thank you for your replay.

The thing that puzzles me is that Apps Script uses DriveApp and LanguageAPP functions. Once I run the script, I do see in GCP API dashboard that Google Drive API reports of transactions being made, while the Google Translate API is flat on zero calls, this I can explain only if the LanguageAPP translate function doesn't use this API but something else.....2023-08-13 11.52.10.jpg