Increase speed processing of a Document AI processor

Hi all:

I've made my own custom document AI processor.

It works fine, but for each process it leaves 3 seconds.

Its possible to increase the speed of the response? If yes, What have i do? I don't see in my project how to select for example more CPU or GPU capacity for my model.


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Hi @SpBit,

Unfortunately, you can't select a CPU or GPU to improve the processing speed of the custom processor, but you can try using the variable field_mask when processing a request thru API,
this will allow you to limit the fields returned in your Document object, using the variable may be able reduce the latency of your requests due to a shorter/smaller response since it will only return the fields that you specified. I would also suggest that you reach out to Google Cloud Support for this inquiry:

OK. and  ... What if I use Vertex AI?