IOS MLKit translate attribution requirements


I want to make an application and need to use MLKit translate API.

Let's imagine I want to merge some English words into a String, then use MLKit API to translate it, get results, convert them again to words and display in table view.

In Guidelines the following line exists: "The "powered by Google Translate" graphic must always be displayed adjacent any translation results."

But I'm not sure if I did understand it correctly. Should I display "powered by Google Translate" text or Google logo in each cell of the table?

Thanks in advance.

Tried to look for that kind of information everywhere. Found some applications in AppStore that are most likely use Google MLKit and Google Cloud API's but they don't even mention Google anywhere, so I'm wondering how should I deal with it.

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The guideline you mentioned, "The 'powered by Google Translate' graphic must always be displayed adjacent any translation results," typically means that you need to attribute the translation to Google Translate in a visible and easily associated manner. However, the specific implementation may vary based on the guidelines provided by Google.

In most cases, you don't need to display the attribution for each individual translated word or phrase in your table view. Instead, it is common to display the "powered by Google Translate" attribution somewhere in your application, such as in an "About" section, settings, or any other appropriate location where users can find information about the translation service being used in your app.

To meet the guidelines, you may consider adding a small, unobtrusive attribution message or a Google Translate logo somewhere in your app's user interface that makes it clear the translations are powered by Google Translate. This is often done on the main screen, settings, or information sections rather than directly in each cell of a table view.

Always ensure that you adhere to the terms and conditions provided by Google for using their translation services, as violating these terms could result in consequences for your application. Additionally, it's a good idea to check the latest documentation or contact Google directly for any updates or specific guidance related to displaying attribution in your application.

Hello, @Poala_Tenorio 

I've posted similar question here

and answered differently (please correct me if I got it wrong),

I'd really appreciate if you check the post & reply from the link.

Thank you in advance.