Google Cloud Vertex AI Python Notebook Scheduler

Hi there! 

I am trying to schedule a python notebook to run in Workbench (Vertex AI) via Jupyter Lab.
When I run my notebook in Jupyter Lab it executes without any errors.

However, after scheduling the notebook to Run at a specific time using the 'Execute' function or button located at the top of Jupyter Lab, the schedule fails to execute (as seen in the image below). Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 11.24.34 AM.png

There is no additional information, it just says "Failed".

Has anyone has this issue? I'm using "Instances" and then "Juypter Lab" to schedule a python notebook to execute, but I also tried managed notebooks and both are failing to execute.

If I select "View Result" then I get another chrome tab that says " Notebook does not exist".


Currently my python notebook is creating a simple table, and then updating another table in Big Query.

If I comment out the code uploading the Pandas table to Big Query the GCP Schedule will successfully execute.
It's only when I am trying to upload myPandas table to Big Query that the scheduler fails, which is weird since the python notebook will execute if I run it manually and will therefore successfully update by Big Query table as designed.

I wonder if anyone has experience this error and has a viable solution.

Thanks in advance!

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