Gemini Pro for the same prompt, sometimes it returns a response, sometimes it doesn't.

Hello everybody!

I'm working with Gemini Pro. It's great but I've found that for the same prompt, sometimes it returns a response, sometimes it doesn't. Why is that? 

This is the function I'm using:


def get_response_from_llm(user_email, name, company, role, storage_client, db, current_date):
        doc_ref = db.collection(FIRESTORE_COLLECTION).document(user_email).collection(current_date).document("overview")
        #doc_ref = db.collection('boozeco').document(user_email).collection(current_date).document('script')
        doc = doc_ref.get()

        if doc.exists:
            summary = doc.to_dict().get("content")
            prompt = PROMPTS["script"].format(summary=summary, name=name, company=company, role=role)

            generation_config = {
                "temperature": 0.8,
                "top_p": 0.9,
                "top_k": 2,
                "max_output_tokens": 512,

            safety_settings = [
                {"category": "HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT", "threshold": "BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE"},
                {"category": "HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH", "threshold": "BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE"},
                {"category": "HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT", "threshold": "BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE"},
                {"category": "HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT", "threshold": "BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE"}

            model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro', generation_config=generation_config, safety_settings=safety_settings)

            # Add a 10 second delay between LLM calls to avoid exceeding quota limits

            responses = model.generate_content(prompt)

            for response in responses:

                print(f"Analysing response: {response}")

                    print(f" {}")

                    flag = ""
                    la_respuesta = ""
                    if response.candidates:
                        la_respuesta =[0].text
                        flag = "[0].text"
                        la_respuesta = response.candidates[0]
                        flag = "response.candidates[0]"

                    print(f"flag: {flag}")

                    if la_respuesta:
                        print(f"OK: Response Characters == {len(la_respuesta)}")
                        #return la_respuesta
                        print(f"ERROR: There is no la_respuesta")
                        print(f"ERROR: la_respuesta =={la_respuesta}")
                    print(f"ERROR: Empty response parts for user ")
                    print(f"ERROR: =={}")
            print(f"No overview document found for user and date {current_date}.")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Exception: An error occurred while generating podcast prompt: {e}")

name = "David"
company = "The Booze Co"
role = "VP of Engineering"
user_email = ""
current_date = "20240125"
PROMPTS['script'] = """Produce a brief and enticing podcast script for informing and motivating {name} in his role {role} at {company}.
You are Cloudia, the digital data analyst for {company}.
Write only the narration, without adding any additional instructions, roles or metadata. Don't include any narration that instructs
 Cloudia on how to deliver the report or interact with the user.


This is the output:
 Screenshot 2024-01-27 at 01.17.26.png 
Tested on Colab Enterprise.
Thank you in advanced for your kindly response.

Best regards
David Regalado
Web | Linkedin | Cloudskillsboost

3 10 2,031

Can you please share the google collab link if you dont mind.


You don't need the Colab. The main code was already shared here.

Best regards
David Regalado
Web | Linkedin | Cloudskillsboost

Could anyone see this topic?

Best regards
David Regalado
Web | Linkedin | Cloudskillsboost

I'm also facing a very same issue.

Glad to know I'm not the only one.

Best regards
David Regalado
Web | Linkedin | Cloudskillsboost

Same problem here. Sometimes no answer at all is returned. If I take exactly the same prompt and feed it into gemini-pro again, it returns an answer.

same here.

I am randomly getting this response from REST API, without changing the prompt:


  "candidates": [
      "finishReason": "OTHER"
  "usageMetadata": {
    "promptTokenCount": 5,
    "totalTokenCount": 5


Related: gemini-1.0-pro-002: Randomly gives empty content in responses 

When using a temperature of 0.8, you have no assurance that the LLM will return the same answer. The issue may be in the safety_setting you are using. I am not sure about the content but a threshold of  "BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE" may be too stringent, and sometimes the response may be blocked, and you won't get a response. Try "BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH" and see if  you get more consistent results.

Trying BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH still behaves inconsistent. Out of 10 exact calls 3 return an error. It is annoying and Google doesn't seem to care even though I have an open P2 ticket, and posted in these forums as well.

If Gemini wants to catchup to OpenAI they should start listening to us the early adopters before we fallback to OpenAI due to frustration