Need help in migrating Aurora Database to GCP CloudSQL


I'm looking for the ways to migrate Aurora Database migration to GCP Cloud SQL. if anyone have any idea or any previous experience, I would like to know the steps to follow on how to achieve the job. any help on this is much appreciated.


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Migrating your Amazon Aurora database to Google Cloud SQL is a common scenario, and Google Cloud Database Migration Service (DMS) offers a robust pathway for this. Here's an improved breakdown of the process and key considerations:

1. Assessment and Preparation

  • Compatibility: Verify that your Aurora database version (MySQL or PostgreSQL) is compatible with Cloud SQL. Review any AWS-specific features or stored procedures that might behave differently in Cloud SQL and plan necessary adjustments.

  • Connectivity: Establish secure connectivity between your Aurora source and Google Cloud project using options like Cloud VPN or Cloud Interconnect, ensuring reliable and secure data transfer.

  • Google Cloud Project: Set up your Google Cloud project and enable the necessary APIs, such as the Database Migration API and Cloud SQL Admin API. Ensure correct permissions and security settings are configured.

2. Migration Approach Using Database Migration Service (DMS)

  • Advantages of DMS: DMS minimizes application downtime with continuous replication and manages both schema conversion and data replication. It is particularly beneficial for heterogeneous migrations, such as moving from Aurora MySQL to Cloud SQL PostgreSQL, as well as for monitoring migration progress.

  • Types of DMS:

    • Standard DMS is ideal for homogeneous migrations (same database engine on both source and target).

    • DMS for Heterogeneous Migrations excels in migrations between different database engines.

3. Migration Steps

  • Create a Migration Job: In the Google Cloud Console, navigate to the Database Migration Service and set up a new migration job.

  • Specify Source and Target:

    • Source: Provide connection details for your Aurora database, including endpoint and credentials.

    • Target: Choose your Cloud SQL instance, specifying either MySQL or PostgreSQL as required.

  • Select Migration Type: Choose the appropriate migration type (homogeneous or heterogeneous), based on your database engines.

  • Schema and Data Options:

    • Schema Migration Mode: Decide whether to migrate the existing schema, create a new one, or skip schema migration.

    • Data Migration Mode: Choose to migrate all data, a specific subset, or none at all.

  • Test and Validate: Conduct a test migration to validate the entire process and identify any potential issues.

  • Start Migration: Launch the migration job. DMS will begin replicating data from Aurora to Cloud SQL.

  • Cutover: After the initial data replication is complete, plan a cutover window to transition your applications from Aurora to Cloud SQL.

Important Considerations

  • Data Size and Time: The duration of the migration is influenced by the size of your database and network bandwidth. Large databases may require extended migration periods.

  • Security: Follow best practices for security while setting up connectivity and managing credentials. Additionally, ensure data transfers are encrypted and access is tightly controlled.

  • Backup: Before initiating the migration, perform comprehensive backups to safeguard against data loss.


  • Performance Tuning: After migration, fine-tune the Cloud SQL instance to meet the performance benchmarks and operational requirements of your applications.

  • Monitoring: Closely monitor the new setup to identify and resolve any unexpected issues swiftly.

  • Cost Management: Review and optimize data transfer strategies and instance configurations to manage and potentially reduce costs associated with running Cloud SQL.